This is bad news for coffee traders already fretting about the fall in arabica bean prices. 对于已经在为阿拉比卡咖啡豆价格下跌感到担忧的咖啡交易商来说,这可是个坏消息。
Meanwhile, droughts in Brazil have resulted in higher prices and lower production of Arabica coffee, the popular bean used in gourmet blends. 与此同时,巴西的持续干旱已经导致阿拉伯咖啡的产量降低、价格升高,这种咖啡豆经常用在各种美食饮料里。
Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean? 你是胡萝卜、鸡蛋,还是咖啡豆?
Once a coffee bean is roasted, the volatile oils contained within the bean become vulnerable to oxidizing, which will damage the quality of the coffee bean. 当咖啡豆被烘焙过,其中不稳定的油脂将极易被氧化,并损害到咖啡的质量。
While roasting coffee beans is essential to releasing the desired flavor characteristics of the coffee bean, it also begins the stage of oxidizing. 当咖啡特有的香气被烘焙出来时,也是其开始氧化的过程。
The coffee made from this kind of coffee Bean tastes richer, mellower and more satisfactory. 用这种咖啡豆制成的咖啡,口味更浓、更醇、更令人满意。
Combywide uses the highest quality of coffee bean, non-dairy creamer, etc; 可比使用的是高品质的咖啡豆和脱脂奶粉;
So the case could be made that coffee is more fruit than bean. 所以这一情况让咖啡比豆更像水果。
The coffee bean is the seed of the coffee tree, but when stripped of its outer layers it becomes infertile. 咖啡豆是咖啡树的种子,但咖啡豆去壳后就不能结果了。
High Cell-Density Fermentation of Pichia pastoris Producing Recombinant Coffee Bean α-Galactosidase 表达重组咖啡豆α-半乳糖苷酶的酵母工程菌的高密度发酵
Oxfam says Starbucks is depriving farmers in Ethiopia of$ 90m a year by opposing the Ethiopian government's efforts to trademark three types of local coffee bean. 乐施会指出,由于星巴克阻挠埃塞俄比亚政府为当地三种咖啡豆注册商标,它事实上每年从当地农民处掠夺了九千万美元。
If you happen to be standing in one of the ubiquitous Starbucks or Coffee Bean chains in the US, chances are pretty good you might hear someone order something like this. 如果你碰巧在随处可见的星巴克或者香啡缤之类的咖啡连锁店附近,你会经常听见有人这样点咖啡。
Canned learn the carrot, egg and coffee bean before the difficulties and adverse circumstances, can accept defeat, can also become stronger-even can change environment. 在艰难和逆境前,可以学胡萝卜、鸡蛋和咖啡豆,可以屈服,也可以变得更坚强甚至,可以改变环境。
The powder form coffee bean then is very special, entering boiling water, they changed a water then. 粉状咖啡豆则很独特,进入沸水,它们便改变了水。
The coffee bean is very hard too before not boiling, though had boiled and softened soon, but its fragrance and taste have been dissolved and turned into the delicious coffee into water. 咖啡豆没煮之前也是很硬的,虽然煮了一会儿就变软了,但它的香气和味道却溶进水里变成了可口的咖啡。
In this paper, we report the water soluble antioxidant abstract from useless coffee bean. 本文研究了从等外品咖啡豆提取水溶性食品抗氧化剂。
The spicy Shiraz fruit flavours are superbly integrated with coffee bean and coconut like American oak characters. 味道浓郁的西拉,拥有咖啡豆和椰子,很像美国橡木桶的味道。
Increasingly popular coffee stores such as The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf are also giving Starbucks some stiff competition. 像香啡缤的咖啡馆的兴起也了星巴克的竞争。
When faced with crisis how do you handle adversity? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean? 当身处逆境的时候,我们怎么去处理?你是胡萝卜,是鸡蛋,还是咖啡豆?
The park Superintendent said the diamond was about the same size and colour as a large coffee bean. 据公园管理人员介绍,这颗钻石不论从颜色还是大小上看,都好像一粒大咖啡豆。
Coffee Bean& Tea Leaf's mission is to provide a Total Quality of product, service and environment. 香啡缤的使命就是提供完全高质量的产品、服务以及环境。
Or are you like the coffee bean? 或者你像是咖啡豆吗?
This is because the shade trees slow down the maturation of the coffee plant, which allows for the coffee bean to develop: more natural sugar, better flavor, and less caffeine. 这是由于能遮阴的树可以减缓咖啡树的成熟,给予咖啡豆充分的成长,使其含有更多的天然糖份、更上乘的口味与较少的咖啡因。
Knowledgeable person to coffee, grab a handful of mostly coffee, watching the color of each bean are the same stars, particle size, shape is similar, so as not to get mixed beans to disguise inferior. 内行人选咖啡,多是抓一把咖啡豆,看每颗豆的颜色是否一致,颗粒大小、形状是否相仿,以免买到以混豆伪装的劣质品。
Or am I like the coffee bean? 或者我就像咖啡豆?
Columbia is famous of its coffee bean, Switzerland known for its coffee process, but Austria's cafes culture is well known to the whole world. 不像哥伦比亚盛产咖啡,也不似瑞士以加工咖啡闻名,奥地利是以咖啡馆文化著称于世的。
The enzyme ot-galactosidase isolated from green coffee bean could convert the red blood celis of Blood group B into blood group O type. 从绿色咖啡豆中制备的α-半乳糖苷酶可以将B型血转变为O型血。
Coffee food antioxidant and caffeine extracted from useless coffee bean 从等外品咖啡豆中提取食品抗氧化剂和咖啡因
There are many ap-plications of CO_2 in the field of overcritical extraction. In abroad, CO_2 is used as extraction agent to get coffee bean, coffeine from tea, cholesterol from cream, vanillin from sweetgrass bean, nicotine from tobacco etc. CO2在超临界萃取领域已有许多应用,国外用CO2为萃取剂,可萃取出咖啡豆、茶叶中的咖啡因,奶油中的胆固醇,香草豆中的香草醛,烟草中的尼古丁等;
First opening its store in 1971, Starbucks at that was a small coffee store at Pike Street Market in Seattle with the intent of being a coffee bean retailer and coffee equipments seller until Howard Schultz joined it in 1982. 星巴克与1971年在美国西雅图开了第一家咖啡店,这家咖啡店的本意是发展成为一家咖啡豆零售商同时买咖啡器具。